A few things happening.....

With the nasty bushfires happening in Victoria this week there are a few things happening that you may be interested in getting involved with to help support those involved in anyway.

On Sarah Gladman's blog http://sares1911.wordpress.com/ she has shared this:

I feel for those families in the Victorian regions devasted by fire this week. I can’t help but feel frustrated at the limited amount we are able to do from here to help. I can donate money but I felt the need for something more tangible to be done for those families who have literally lost everything.

As scrappers, one of the most important things we deal with on a daily basis are memories. Family memories, memories of loved ones, memories of holidays, birthdays, christenings, bbq’s and days at the beach. These families in Victoria have got no tangible evidence of their lives left. No family photos. No happy snaps. You can replace a fridge, but you can’t replace years of momentos.

In order to help out these family begin to put their lives back together I have started a scrapbooking plan - called “MEMORY GIFTS”.

Quite simply, I ask each and every one of you who read this blog to donate a 12 x 12inch almost completed scrapbook LO to the “Memory Gifts” program. Each page will be sent to me. I will collect them and bind them, then hand them over to the head of Pastoral Care for the Victorian Catholic Education Office, Maria Kirkwood in Melbourne. It will not be just Catholic families benefiting, it will be anyone who needs it. The albums will then be distributed to the principals of the 4 schools that burned down, who will know exactly who to give them to.

Each family devastated by fire will be (in time) given album pages to help them begin their memories again. Those families can then approach their own families for copies of photos to put into the albums, or simply start putting in fresh memories.

If you think you can help, please leave me a comment and I will reply with my postal address so that you can send on your page. Any help you can give will be much appreciated.

I plan to have these albums finished by the 20th of March - that gives us a month to get cracking and create as many pages as we can!

If you feel you wish to contribute in some other way, please leave me a comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Many thanks on the behalf of the Victorian families who have lost everything.
Sares x

I have offered to help by making my home a drop off point for South Australians in Adelaide so you can phone me on: 8289 2914 and make a time to drop off any layouts by the 15th of March so I can forward them on to Sarah.

If you wish to do some scrapbooking this weekend and are looking for some inspiration then head over to Scrap of Difference for a Cybercrop for a cause: ( http://www.scrapofdifference.com.au/forum/viewforum.php?f=64 )

We have just experienced the worst Natural Disaster in terms of the loss of human life this country has ever had with the Victorian bushfires. Whilst the horror of these fires unfolds daily in our news reports we cannot forget the other Australians in North Queensland who have lost everything to flood waters rising and taking with them their valued possessions.

There are many appeals collecting money for these two causes and under a tight economic climate it is impossible for any of us to give as MUCH as we would really like to. So, how about let us band together and do what we do best and support each other and show our support for those less fortunate by scrapping.

We will be holding a cybercrop this weekend starting Friday evening and ending Monday morning.
All layouts are to be in the gallery by Monday evening midnight.

Instead of our usual $10 gift voucher being awarded to the winner - the prize money will be donated to the victims of fire and flood. Whilst it might not seem like much and it never seems like enough, at least we can band together and show some support. So if you have cybercropped with us before or are new and would like to join in - please pop in here and say Hi and get ready for a weekend of chatter and creativity.

I am hoping to get some done myself as well as some layouts to send to Sarah.

Happy Valentines Day all!


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