Fiskars Ambassadors - Girls night in... coming soon

October is BREAST CANCER AWARENESS month.....and to help raise AWARENESS of CANCER and to help raise funds to try and help in research and cure of CANCER...........Fiskars Ambassadors are going to have some fun and games on their Aussie & NZ Blog....during the make sure you check in each day to see more details as they are released.
If you would like to leave a donation to their GIRLS NIGHT IN on October 30th you may do so anytime prior to the "event" or on the night. They welcome all donations - there is a link on the lefthand sidebar of the blog....
Please help them to reach their goal .....more details to be announced check back in....where they'll have further details of their Auction, Challenges,fun and games.....not to be may even like to get together with some friends on the night and join them on-line.....they'd love to see you there on the 30th from 6pm EST Aussie time.....8pm NZ time.

My day has been quiet after two weeks of school holidays. It was a slow going morning getting back to the school routine, but we finally made it there on time. I finally got around to sorting and putting the clothes away, then washing floors - not that you would know that now of course.

Back to the old routine of homework and music practice then off to tennis lesson. Mitchell has chosen not to do tennis this term so consequently got very bored about 30 minutes into the lesson.... well, I did warn him!
No scrapping today - took me ages to work out how to attach a blinkie to my blog tonight so getting nowhere fast. Definitely need to start on some Christmas cards tomorrow because I just realised that I signed myself up for a Christmas card swap. Thankfully they will all be the same - that's if I actually have enough of one thing to make them the same..... LOL!


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