It's a Christmas card week...

Well I've put the scrapbooking on the back burner for the last week and focussed on starting my Christmas cards. I made about 30 over 3 days - 12 of which were the same for a swap at Scrapwitch. I've had a lot of fun with them so far and used up a lot of stickers I had lying around and some recycled cards which I always start with.

I was having a lost mojo moment so decided that I would start them by directly cardlifting ideas from magazines however it didn't take long for me to realise that I am so not used to doing that and just gave in to my own ideas. Here are a few of my favourites:

Had my regular crop night last night and it was an early finish as everyone was tired. Still didn't mean I got to bed early though cos as usual I sat down to do things after everyone left.

Today has been shopping for Bakugan battle brawlers for those who know what they are..... I had to google them! After that I was building a Lego police station and police cars. I did about 4 loads of dishes because my dishwasher wasn't working last night and we had to turn it off, then after that I decided to fix it. I could have thought of the possible problem before the loads of dishes but c'est la vie!

Bruce has bought a new vaccuum cleaner today as my current one almost died this week because the motor is on its way out. The boys unpacked the boxes - because he got a steam cleaner as part of the deal and they have proceeded to build little houses from them since. There is of course more mess on the floor now than before.

The front door handle has fallen off this afternoon so every time someone comes to the door we have to let them in. Guess that means a visit to Bunning's tomorrow.

It's nearly time for their bed so maybe I might scrap tonight before I get the Christmas cards out again.


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