Neglected blog...

Well you all know how life sometimes gets in the way of blogging, don't you? Well that seems to have happened to me in the past month. I had this brainwave idea to "adopt" a guide dog puppy for twelve months after seeing a volunteer advert in the local paper. Well, it went from being an idea to actually doing it in a matter of 10 days from the time I first made contact to the paperwork, interview, police check stuff and house check. Our little girl Viva arrived from NZ at only 12 weeks of age and already she is so much bigger and learning quickly. It is certainly taking up a great deal more of my time than expected but hopefully that will change as she gets bigger and learns more about how to stay quiet by herself. It's like having the routine of a baby but throw in toilet training and toddler grabbing and chewing at the same time. School holidays have also been happening in my neck of the woods so keeping the boys entertained too has been a challenge when I didn'...