Home and Scrapped February = Love Blog Hop....

Love and the Summertime is in the air and it's Cybercrop time over at Home and Scrapped . Welcome to our first ever blog hop. You have probably come to me from Mary B's blog and will venture on to Sarah shortly. I'm not exactly sure what the lovely Heather has up her sleeve but I do know it involves a RAK prize of a special pack of handmade flowers made by the lovely Heather herself and if you are the lucky winner and want to buy some for yourself then you better head over here to see the kind of flowers you can choose from. Okay, so it's February the month of love so here is my quirky love quote to share with you: “We're all a little weird, and when we find someone who's weirdness is comparable with each others weirdness, we fall in a mutual weirdness and we call it love!” ― Dr. Seuss I like Dr Seuss, what can I say..... Now Heather wants me to share four interesting/little known things about myself...... Hmmm.... what to ...