Birthday card run.....

Recent months have seen a few birthdays between my friends and kids friends so I have had to put a few last minute cards together.
Last weekend was a 70th birthday for a lovely lady who shocked me by the invite to her "70th". She still works full-time and dances several nights a week so I'm guessing that dance and keeping your mind active shows that it helps you to stay young looking. I could only hope I look that good when I get to 70. The Silhouette online store had this great ballroom couple silhouette that worked perfectly for her card.

Kerry at Crafty Cards and Cuts had a night time video class on Periscope one night to make cards with scraps so thought I would play along. I didn't get very far with my efforts but at least got a couple made.

Another birthday for a male dance friend so hoped that this would look more masculine with the design. He was very pleased with the result and surprised that someone would go to the effort of personalising a card for him.

Last but not least, a card for a teen girl who likes Avatar the last Air bender. Thanks to a free wall paper I was able to get the character image and just played with the background with stamps and ink. The greeting was an old rub-on in my stash which really worked nicely with the card.

Thanks again for dropping by............


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