Busy weekend - kind of!

We have been at the JDRF Family Day today for a few hours and Mitchell and Ethan decided to have their faces painted. Keelan was rather a grump the whole time because we took him away from the computer for a few hours and so didn't want his face painted or didn't want to join in any of the sack, egg n spoon or three legged races. He spent a little time at the playground and then was bored until Santa came and then as soon as the gifts were given out everyone wanted to go home. Mitchell and Ethan had a great time and as you can see Mitchell changed into a crocodile and Ethan into Batman for a while. Last weekend whilst Dad was away I got them all started on making a bauble with sequins. Mitchell wanted to do it last holidays and I wasn't quite ready then so made sure I was now. I was so impressed with Mitchell and all the time he took to sit and do the pins and sequins. I think I only helped him with two rows because he was feeling left out that I was helping the others and...