Birthday week in our house.....

Well this week saw my "little" boys turn 12 years of age. My Australia day boys enjoyed their day even though they haven't made any friends here yet because school has not yet started and their are no kids their age in the street. As a matter of fact I have seen very few kids in the street at all. We had some extended family over for a BBQ lunch and after they left we headed into the city to the Esplanade near the Carillon to watch the Skyworks which is of course the boy's favourite thing to do on their birthday. They think they are very special to get fireworks on their birthday. It was all very easy, headed in via train, got off and walked not even a kilometre and we were there where we wanted to be. The weather had been hot and some rain managed to fall which was nice for about 10mins and then it was gone and we dried off quick. There was a lovely natural light show before the fireworks began at 8pm and by 8.30pm it was all over and we toddled off amongst the crowd...